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Have something to say?  

We welcome input from members of MCG and others with an interest in Maresfield village. This could include:


  • suggestions for projects or activities that MCG might get involved in

  • news about activities in the village

  • proposals for website contributions

  • photos and videos which we can include on the website


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Do you have feedback about the work of the MCG?

If there is anything you would like to say about the MCG - good or not - then please click here to leave your comments.

Give Us Your Feedback
We’d love to hear what you think.

Thanks for sharing your feedback with us!

Feedback received...

  • I have seen the new churchyard gate, it looks really nice, the MCG do a lot of good work in the village.

(Karen Tritton, MCG member)​


  • The planter at the Recreation Ground looks really good. Many thanks....for constructing and positioning it. I would also like to give my appreciation to MCG for funding this planter which I hope will be an asset to the Recreation Ground for the benefit of the Maresfield Residents and all who use the sporting facilities there.

(MCG member)​


  • Keep up all the good work you and the group do for keeping Maresfield such a nice place to live.

(Member on leaving the village)


  • Thanks to the Footpath Group for your ​excellent work in reinstating the safety barrier between the Hall Car Park and the track to the village. This remedies a long standing eyesore and your work will be greatly appreciated by villagers using the track.

(Fairwarp Village Hall Committee)


  • Thank you for taking the concerns about the fence to the highways department.

(MCG member)


  • .....thank you all so very much [for restoring the graveyard gate], it looks fabulous, a real upgrade.

(St Bartholomews Church)


  • I have had a phone call from an MCG member, congratulating us on the progress made with regard to the Victorian Lamps.  He said he moved into the village in 1999 and that this was being spoken about as far back as then! He also praised us generally and thought we were doing an excellent job.

(email from Chairman to Committee members)​


  • The Parish Council...thanks the Maresfield Footpaths Group for the fantastic work carried out repairing and repainting five of the fingerposts in our Parish. These iconic direction signs really do look fantastic now you have worked your magic! The Council and Parishioners alike acknowledge that we are lucky to have volunteers such as yourselves willing to help maintain and improve the villages where we live.

(Maresfield Parish Council)


  • Keep up the good work! Your group efforts are clearly visible and much appreciated.

(MCG member)


  • The lanes are an asset to residents, the community and visitors and are part of the rural setting of Maresfield. 
    The Conservation Society works hard to protect and enhance this character.........

(Underhill resident and MCG member)


  • I have just been on a walk & found that 2 styles leading off of Nursery Lane have been lowered & modified. I would like to say thank you to whoever is responsible, as I have always found them quite high to get my creaky old hips over. It's very much appreciated.

(Anne Barnett, MCG member)


  • I have just started to walk in your area and am very grateful for the work you have done waymarking and building things on the ROW.  It makes it much more enjoyable for someone unfamiliar with the area - it is easy to get lost and dispirited in the gloom and woods. 

(Jill Harvey, visitor to Maresfield)​


  • Please pass my thanks onto your group who cleared the footpath so well by the side of the powder mill to Pete's woods.....I can run along now without getting makes so much difference thank you.

(Dee Orde, Maresfield resident)


  • I would say a very big thank you for all the hard work you have put into clearing Lampool Edge. We walked along it today with friends to go to the Foresters for lunch.  It was such a pleasure to be able to walk along this route without having to fight the weeds, brambles, etc. All your hard work was very much appreciated by all of us. Thank you very much.  

(Pauline Simpson, MCG member)


  • Thank you for the work you all do keeping our paths clear, I really appreciate it as I walk the footpaths around Maresfield a great deal with my dog.

(Anne Barnett, MCG Member)​

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